Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Sermon: St. Hagop’s Hospital

Podcasts Sermons St. Hagop Armenian Church
Sermon: St. Hagop's Hospital

We have lots of ministries to avail ourselves of at St. Hagop.  Those who wish to serve can do so in many ways, on parish council, on the altar or choir; as a greeter or lector or even on mission to Armenia.  Today though, the Apostle James reminds us of a church ministry which is so basic and important that we tend to take it for granted.  The great mission of our church in which we are all called to participate, is to be a place of healing for each other.  This mission is as old as our church.  In the fourth century St. John Chrysostom said, ‘The Church is a hospital for souls not a courtroom. She does not condemn on behalf of sins, but grants remission of sins.’ Today’s passage from James reminds us who is on the staff of this hospital called St. Hagop, me you and every member of this church.  ‘Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another,’ writes James ‘so that you may be healed.’


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