Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Family over Faction

Podcasts Sermons St. Hagop Armenian Church
Family over Faction

Jesus, somehow led the Apostles in a manner opposite to how our society leads today.  He didn’t make a team of ‘factional friendships’ of those who saw things the same way on. He didn’t assemble a bunch of moderates, or even people that were like him.  What Jesus does with the disciples and wants to do with all of us is not iron over our differences, but to let steel sharpen steel, to raise us up to what is far greater and better for all of us. He didn’t choose twelve men like himself, but by his word and Spirit makes them like himself.  The same is true in this country and in this church. We are not from the same places, we actually speak a lot of different languages and dialects, we have very different views, but God has called us together and for 16 years, as we celebrate today, united us in this holy, consecrated place, this sacred family.


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