Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

My Double Life

Podcasts Sermons St. Hagop Armenian Church
Saint Hagop Armenian Church
My Double Life

Some of the most compelling novels and films ever made are about characters who live double lives. A high school chemistry teacher who is actually a drug kingpin or a sweet suburban couple who are actually spies for the KGB.  The reason these stories are so compelling is because, though less dramatic, we all tend to live double lives-presenting ourselves ideally on the outside, but hiding some darker things on the inside.  I know I do, and I suspect maybe you do too. No I am not a drug dealer or Russian spy. But there is a difference between my outward self, how I want to be seen, and the inward part that you can’t see.  For example, I come before you as Der Hayr, the man of God, under control with all the answers. But I tend to hide my doubt and anxiety when everything feels out of control. I come before you ready and willing to serve, but tend to hide the feelings of overwhelm and resentment when I can’t live up to my ideals. So you see what I want you to see, and I hide a lot of the rest. How about you? 


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