“No language is more sacred, than words of thanksgiving in times of distress.” -Barsegh Mashkevoratsi, 14th century
“No language is more sacred, than words of thanksgiving in times of distress.” -Barsegh Mashkevoratsi, 14th century
“A man offers the good things of his soul to God through prayer, those of his body through fasting and those of his possessions through charity. By the first he defeats Satan, the second his body and the third the world:”-Patriarch Poghos of Adrianapolis, 18th-19th century
Last night Fr. Hovnan organized a terrific introductory meeting of USF students and faculty with over 25 in attendance! Special thanks to Harout and Dennis at Go Gos Greek Grill for donating food. Student volunteers, with faculty advisor Dr. Manoug Manougian are energized to have a permanent presence on campus! Enjoy pictures from our dedicated and talented church photographer…
“Find the door of your heart, you will discover it is the door to the Kingdom of God.”—St. John Chrysostom (Hovhan Oskeberan), 4th century
“Question: What are the stages of love? Answer: There are four stages of love. First, when I love myself for my own sake; this is not a noble love. Second, when I love God for my own sake; this love expects something in return. Third when I love God because He is good; this is a noble love. Fourth, when I love…
Invitation to Tampa Bay Christian Youth to pray together and celebrating the inauguration of the new Coptic Pope at St. Mary & Mina Coptic Church Sat. Nov. 11 at 4PM. Location: 2930 County Rd. 193, Clearwater, FL, 33759-1806.