Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Posts by St. Hagop Armenian Church (Page 116)

Holy Translators-Daily Wisdom 6

What heart-warming joy existed there thenceforward, and what a pleasant scene for the eyes! For a land which had not known even the name of the regions where all those wonderful divine acts had been performed, soon learned all the things that were, not only those that had transpired in time, but that of the eternity which had preceded, and those that…

Join Our Growing Church School –Sundays 11 to 12:15

Give your kids the chance to make lifetime friends & grow as Armenian Christians! New School Year, Teachers & Curriculum-Come Grow With Us! Age Level: 5-8 yrs old  Meeting Time: 11AM-11:30AM, Enter Worship After Class Curriculum: New From Diocese: “Walking With God” Teacher/Coordinator: Ms. Jamie Anusbigian Age Level: 9-13 yrs. old Meeting Time: 11:45 AM- 12:15PM, Enter…