Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Adult Formation (Page 5)

St. Hagop Armenian church offers a range of education and formation opportunities for adults which include worship, sermon-series, pastoral counseling, Bible-study, lectures on the Armenian Church, etc. See some of our regularly recurring offerings below, contact pastor with interest.

Fr. Daniel Findikyan Lecture Saturday March 29-4PM

  The Armenian Church’s calendar of feasts, fasts and commemorations is among the oldest in Christendom, and also one of the most elaborate,” said Fr. Findikyan. “Like the liturgical year in every Christian tradition, the Armenian Church’s distinctive annual cycle of holy days serves as a perpetual invitation to live and celebrate the Gospel of Christ—day…

Raising Children of Faith in the Armenian Tradition

SATURDAY JULY 21, 2012 | 3-5 PM  AT ST. HAGOP ARMENIAN CHURCH Presentation and discussion by Elise Antreassian & Gilda Buchakjian (Kupelian), coordinators of Religious Education & Armenian Studies at the Diocese of the Armenian Church, NY, NY. Open to all, geared especially to parents and leaders of all St. Hagop organizations…Please Join Us!