Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Church News (Page 73)

Fellowship of Voski and Kantsaran Publication

“The Fellowship of St. Voski” (aka Nor Voskiank) is a non-profit organization working toward the revival and restoration of Armenian Orthodox theology and life within the Armenian Church. Through publication of practical educational resources like The Treasury (aka Kantsaran), its goal is to help cultivate a thriving, united, worldwide Armenian Christian community. For more information, please visit  Click the…

Primate Ordains Acolytes & Sub-Deacons At St. Hagop Church Of St. Petersburg, FL

On Sunday, January 10, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), visited St. Hagop Armenian Church of St. Petersburg, Fla., where he celebrated the Divine Liturgy and ordained acolytes and sub-deacons. Following services, the community gathered for a picnic in the church’s outdoor pavilion, for the culmination of…