Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Worship Lab (Page 2)

The St. Hagop Armenian Church worship lab contains interactive modules to help parishioners become more familiar with worship of God in the Armenian Church. Available any time, any place, our goal is for the entire St. Hagop Armenian Church family to be formed by God in worship–both in His home, and in ours!

Worship Lab Hymn: Kreesdos Ee Mej

1) Meaning & Pronunciation Read the English translation of the hymn below and discuss the meaning with your teacher/parent Read the Armenian words of the hymn below. Practice pronunciation with your teacher/parent Christ in our midst has been revealed; He Who Is, God, is here seated. The voice of peace has resounded; Holy greeting is…

Worship Lab Hymn: Marmeen Deroonagan

1) Meaning & Pronunciation Read the English translation of the hymn below and discuss the meaning with your teacher/parent Read the Armenian words of the hymn below. Practice pronunciation with your teacher/parent The body of the Lord and the blood of the Savior are laid up before us. The heavenly hosts invisibly sing and say…

Worship Lab Hymn: Soorp Asdvadz

1) Meaning & Pronunciation Read the English translation of the hymn below and discuss the meaning with your teacher/parent Read the Armenian words of the hymn below. Practice pronunciation with your teacher/parent Holy God, holy and mighty, holy and immortal, who rose from the dead, have mercy upon us. 2) Listening/Singing Sing along with your…