Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Youth Ministries (Page 7)

St. Hagop attempts to engage all age groups in the life of the church. From baptism to four years old, the church keeps in touch with young families.

Ages 5-12: Our Sunday School program runs every Sunday from Sept-May and is designed to form and educate young people, and their parents to know Christ through worship, prayer and a life of service in the tradition of the Armenian Church. Contact with questions and interest.

Ages 13-17: These are our ACYOA Jrs., programs have included fall and Lenten retreats, online discussion groups, home gatherings and outings.

Ages 18 through 35: These are our ACYOA Srs. Programs have included Theology on Tap, Chapter Workshops and various ministries. At St. Hagop, this age group has traditionally led and served the church on Parish Council, in Sunday School and as national church representative.

Opportunity For Youth To Learn Worship, Singing & Armenian Language

As an amazing new opportunity offered this year, our youth will have special training on Worship in the Armenian Church on every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. Leading this group is professional choir director, Mrs. Louise Yardoumian. All youth ages 13-17 are invited to attend church, practice hymns online, and meet with Louise after church for…

First Day of Sunday School & ACYOA Jrs. This Sunday Sept. 8 at 11 AM

Give your kids the opportunity to make lifetime friends & grow as Armenian Christians! We will start this year off with orientation, worship and children’s sermon, followed by an ice cream social in the pavilion! Alex, Yn. Anna & Fr. Hovnan will direct the 13-17 year olds and Mallory Maslar will direct the 5-12 year…

Learn Church Armenian-Transliteration

Learn one word a week for a year, you’ll know 50% of words used in Badarak Practice with flashcards and games, the most frequent Armenian words that we hear and pray each week during worship.   Each word below was printed in our weekly bulletin from 2013-2014. Learn the Meaning Behind the Words [gview file=””]

Learn Church Armenian-Armenian Script

Learn one word a week for a year, you’ll know 50% of words used in Badarak Practice with flashcards and games, the most frequent Armenian words that we hear and pray each week during worship.   Each word below was printed in our weekly bulletin from 2013-2014. Learn the Meaning Behind the Words [pdf-embedder url=””…