Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Dearly Departed (Page 4)

We keep close in memory and prayer our faithful departed below, trusting in God’s promise of eternal life for all who believe. May their souls rest in the peace of Christ.

Click here to make in lieu of flowers donations to St. Hagop Armenian Church in memory of those who held our church dear. All donations are gratefully received and acknowledged.

Sylvia Vartanian

Dearly beloved member of our St. Hagop community, Sylvia Vartanian, went to her eternal rest on December 29, 2021. The Pastor and Parish Council of St. Hagop Church, on behalf of our entire community, wish to express our condolences to Sylvia’s husband Robert along with their entire family. May God illuminate her soul and the peace of Christ abide with her.…

Arshaluys Danielyan

Dear member of our St. Hagop family, Arshaluys Danielyan, went to his eternal rest on December 8th. May God illuminate his soul and the peace of Christ abide with his son Artur, his family and friends. Funeral service will be held at St. Hagop Armenian Church on Tuesday December 21st at 12 Noon. Click to make an in…

Arlen Avernian Thorensen

Arlen Avernian Thorensen went to her eternal rest on Sunday, November 14, 2021. Graveside service to be held on Thursday, November 18 at 2:30PM at Calvary Catholic Cemetery located at  5233 118th Ave N, Clearwater, FL 33760 On behalf of our entire church community, we offer our prayers and condolences to Arlen’s husband Eric and…

Ara Vizoyan

Ara Vizoyan went to his eternal rest on August 21, 2021.  He was born on February 17, 1959 to Kegham and Serpouhie Vizoyan. Ara is survived by his loving wife of 33 years, Diana Fauci; daughter Desirae and her husband BJ; daughter Dayna; daughter Tina; brother Nishan; and grandchildren Emma, George, Julia, Joey, Reina and…

Nora Keuroghlian

Long time, beloved member of the St. Hagop Armenian Church community, Nora Keuroghlian, passed away on Tuesday May 18, 2021. Click here for Nora’s obituary. On behalf of our entire church community, we offer our prayers and condolences to her children Talene, Melik and Nairi, their spouses and her 7 grandchildren. May God illuminate her…

Rudi Kimatian

Dearly loved and, ultra dedicated founding member of our St. Hagop Armenian Church community, Rudi Kimatian, passed away peacefully on Monday morning April 5th.  On behalf of our entire church community, we offer our thoughts and prayers in remembrance of this wonderful soul who did so much for the building up of our community.  In lieu of…

Carnig Terzian

Long-time, beloved member of the St. Hagop Armenian Church family, Carnig Terzian, went to his eternal rest on March 29, 2021.  The Pastor and Parish Council of St. Hagop Church, on behalf of our entire community, wish to express our condolences to Carnig’s loving wife Rose, his children Diane & Ara Ekizian, Richard & Francine Terzian…