Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Stewardship Committee

The Bible teaches us that all we are given is from God, and we are temporary stewards of His gifts. It is our duty as God’s children to apply the gifts bestowed on us in a way that would please Him. The stewardship committee plans and administers stewardship activities intended to inspire parishioners to commit their monetary, time, and talent resources to our ministries, proportionate to their means. A related group, the auditing committee, is elected by the parish assembly to ensure transparency and best practices in financial accounting. Contact and member below for further information.

Michael Shahnasarian

Mike has served two terms on parish council and as parish council chairman for two years. He has been a leader in the construction of our church hall, in overseeing hall rental and staffing, and has led the St. Hagop pledge stewardship initiative. He earned a doctorate in psychology and, along with a license to…

Fr. Hovnan Demerjian

Fr. Hovnan earned his B.A. from Boston College, Masters of Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School and Certificate in Armenian Studies from St. Nersess Seminary. From 1996 to 1998 Fr. Hovnan spent two years teaching in the public schools of Armenia as a member of the U.S. Peace Corps. This experience motivated him to establish the…