Haig Yaghoobian, originally from Providence, Rhode Island, is a musician by avocation and an accomplished recital pianist. He has been a regular performer at chamber music venues throughout the US and Europe for more than fifty years. Haig has been an active contributor to non-profit cultural, religious, and civic organizations, including service as Executive Director of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern). For forty years prior to retirement, Haig worked for advanced technology multinationals, often leading Strategic Development and Business Transformation initiatives. He holds an MS in Computer Science and a BA in Psychology from Boston University. He has also earned an MBA, and postgraduate certifications in Program Management, International Leadership, and Intellectual Property Law. Haig has attended worship regularly at St. Hagop since moving to the Tampa area in 2017, and has givrn musical performances to benefit St. Hagop. He is serving his first term on parish council.