Jack Dikranian began his spiritual journey at Holy Martyrs Armenian Church in Bayside, NY, by attending Armenian Day School and Sunday School. He was later ordained Tbir while serving at Holy Ascension Armenian Church in Trumbull, CT 1998. Jack joined St. Hagop Armenian Church in 2004 and was later ordained Kisasargavak. He currently serves the church as an altar server, works full time as a Graphic Designer for o8o Studio (11 years) and stands as Director of Soccer for Florida Hawks Futbol Club (6 years). Jack graduated from the University of Hartford School of Art with a B.S. in Fine Arts, holds a United States Soccer Federation National ‘B’ License in Coaching and a National Soccer Coaches Association of America Director of Coaching Diploma. He led the design and PR team for this year’s Diocesan Assembly, hosted by St. Hagop.