First, we must note that this Gospel reading is one of the few that occurs two times a year-acknowledging how often storms pop up in life and urging us to be prepared. This reading is like a fire drill, a cell phone alert to always be vigilant-since money problems, work problems, health problems, often come out of nowhere. And much too often we are caught flat-footed in our faith. That’s the reason for the brilliant detail in today’s reading of Jesus being asleep as the storm raged for the disciples. For the disciples and many of us, we have neglected interacting with Jesus for so long, we have to wake him up! But when we do wake him up, ahh…we always get more than we bargained for. Put yourself in the shoes of the disciples. I am sure they were relieved when Jesus calmed the storm. That probably lasted a minute before they locked gazes with this Jesus whom they thought just their friend, but who now appears to have the awesome power of the living God. This miracle just got very personal. Who is this and what is the cost of following him?