Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Episode (Page 10)

Family over Faction

Jesus, somehow led the Apostles in a manner opposite to how our society leads today.  He didn’t make a team of ‘factional friendships’ of those who saw things the same way on. He didn’t assemble a bunch of moderates, or even people that were like him.  What Jesus does with the disciples and wants to…

Money Talks

So those are a few things that make is easier to speak about giving and money, but truth be told it is never easy.  It’s not easy because money is a powerful mirror and it can be hard to look in the mirror. But 2000 times in scripture and in today’s reading Paul says, look…

Heavenly Handshake

Yes God has extended his hand to us Armenians throughout the centuries, and we can see how he has written himself Diarnagrer Er, all over our history, in our alphabet, in the thousands of churches which bear his form, in the 100s of thousands of khachkars (cross stones) which dot the countryside and mark the…

We’re Playing Checkers, He’s Playing Chess

So whether you are married or divorced, gay or straight, black, white or yellow, no one who walks this earth is in a position to be judge over you or you over another.  Judgement is for God alone. But each of you, and each of us is called to take whatever we have, whatever we…

Warning Sign, Love Sign

A priest and a Rabbi from local parishes were standing by the side of the road holding up signs. The Rabbi’s sign read, “The End is Near!” Opposite him, the priest’s sign read, “Turn before it’s too late!” They planned to hold up their signs to each passing car. “Get a job.” The first driver yelled.  Right behind…

The Personal Touch

Jesus pulled this man from the faceless crowd and made him his center of attention, his entire world.  Jesus also does this with each of us, if we are so willing. He meets those who feel less than a person and fills us with divine personality. He meets you and I personally, and we in…

Recommendation Letters

What a simple and beautiful solution to cut the red tape of recommendation bureaucracy!  Instead of boosting our resumes and recommendations to appear of good character, why not just concentrate on being of good character; actually doing what we are trying to prove that we can do! Because the testimony of our actions, says Paul,…