Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Episode (Page 16)

Sermon: How to Know if You’re a Saint

Tuesday is all Saints day in the Western church, and like so many things in our faith life, what we understand upon hearing the word ‘saint’ has little to do with what our scriptures meant by it. Our understanding of saints is now way too big or way too small.  We make saints too big…

Sermon: The Cross Lying in the Way

Somehow the cross is a powerful moral and spiritual invitation that is presented to us in the significant occasions of our lives and every single day.  It is as if at the funeral of a loved one, or our children’s weddings and baptisms, we are to peer beyond the emotions of the day, to find…

Sermon: The Nail That Sticks Out is Hammered Down

“The nail that stands up gets hammered down,” said the principal of the primary school where I taught for two years in Armenia.  He shared this insightful proverb to explain why my new students gasped when I wrote on the board with my left hand, and why I was the only lefty in the entire…