Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Episode (Page 3)

God’s Secret Service

Just two weeks ago the newest church in our Diocese was consecrated the Church of the Holy Archangels, Sts. Michael & Gabriel, whose feast day just happens to be this weekend.  What better time than now then, to reflect on what angels are and aren’t, throw out popular misconceptions, recover their original meaning and see…


If a book was to be written about how not to be elected and how not to be popular, Jesus would probably be the main character. In today’s Gospel reading, we see that Jesus is becoming popular and electable, and he does what he can to ruin that.  He insults his potential donors and powerbrokers…

Halloween Baptized

As those of you know who have travelled through the seasons with me a few years, I struggle with holidays like Halloween, Valentines Day and even Christmas, which seem to have lost much of their original meaning and function mainly as consumer holidays.  That struggle was real yesterday as Narek, Nora & I wandered through…

The Distance Between Head & Heart

‘My heart is Democratic, but my brain is kind of Republican,’ said JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon years back, and I resonate with that myself. There is an openness and idealism about being a democrat, openness to immigrants, to the downtrodden and to the rest of the world that I think is virtuous. And…

What’s the Bottom Line?

Today’s Gospel reading is about the bottom line of our spiritual life.  The phrase ‘bottom line’ comes from the practical and efficient business world. The bottom line is the number found under the bold bottom line on a profit & loss statement or balance sheet.  Don’t give me all the details, what is the bottom…

How Much Are You Worth?

For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends. 2 Cor 10:18 Some people sell themselves short, and some people oversell themselves.  I wonder if you tend to one or the other or a little of both.  I ran into two young guys looking for jobs…

Skeletons in the Closet?

In his presidential campaign announcement speech, RFK Jr said ‘I have so many skeletons in my closet that if they could all vote, I could run for king of the world.” Nothing to be proud of there, but at least he told the truth, albeit easier to do when you have no real chance of…