Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Episode (Page 6)

Pain Killers

So what is lament?  The shortest definition of lament is a prayer in pain that leads to trust.  The Psalms are full of Laments. Our Ter Voghormea is a lament. Beating our breast and saying Vay Indz, Vay Indz during Confession is a Lament.  Gregory of Narek wrote an entire famous Book of Lamentations.  Lament…

The Ultimate Retronym

This increase in renaming original things when a new version comes out isn’t that surprising to see in our ever-changing technological society, but we might be surprised to observe the same process (albeit at a slower rate) in our understanding of God through history, the Scriptures and the church.  In fact, you could say that…

The Great Surprise

The prologue of St. John’s Gospel, in the majestic story of God that it reveals, is every bit as breathtaking as Mount Ararat and Tampa Bay.  And if we are paying attention, we will be stunned by the mysterious beauty of the presence of God in Christ that emerges from it, such that we will…

It is Finished

A man is incomplete until he is married, and then he is finished.  A woman is incomplete until she is married, and then she is finished.  I sometimes begin marriage homilies like this to open hearts with humor and open up the profound sacrament of marriage.  The humor is in the double meaning of ‘finished.’ …

Trophy Life

To get to the lost meaning of palms, you might go to your trophy case if you have one, or imagine one if you don’t. Think of these gold-painted golfers, or soccer balls or gymnasts.  Picture the Lombardi trophy (a golden football) or the Stanley Cup (a silver wedding cake?).  2000 years from now people…

Attending Your Own Funeral

You are going to a funeral and discover that you are the person who passed away.  Three people are going to speak:  A family member, someone from your church, and a friend from work/school.  Write out what you would wish for them to say.  Now plan your life!

Who’s the Judge & Who’s the Widow

Thomas Edison is famous for his inventions of the light bulb. We forget that he attempted the lightbulb 1,000 times unsuccessfully before prevailing. When a reporter asked him, “How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?” Edison said, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.”  Our Lord and…