Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

What’s the Bottom Line?

Podcasts Sermons St. Hagop Armenian Church
Saint Hagop Armenian Church
What's the Bottom Line?

Today’s Gospel reading is about the bottom line of our spiritual life.  The phrase ‘bottom line’ comes from the practical and efficient business world. The bottom line is the number found under the bold bottom line on a profit & loss statement or balance sheet.  Don’t give me all the details, what is the bottom line, how much did we profit or did we lose?  This shorthand works fine in the cut and dry world of business and numbers, but even life in this world is more complicated than that.  The bottom line of your personal wealth may be magnificent, but you may be miserable.  The bottom line of your business may be negative, losing money, but maybe you did the right thing to keep workers in a tough time, which will pay off in the long run. So the business bottom line captures a small part of performance and success, but if we are looking for a bottom line that captures not only success but significance, not just making a living but making a life, we need to look to a greater teacher


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