Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Christmas Tree Ornament for Artsakh


Decorate the St. Hagop Sunday School Christmas Tree to Help Artsakh

This year we are asking our parishioners and their friends to help decorate the St. Hagop Sunday School Christmass tree, and help Artsakh efforts at the same time. Simply  donate towards an ornament made by our own Sunday school students and we’ll hang it on the tree in our sanctuary. Ornaments are $5 each. You can donate in person on Sundays or here online.  This project will last until Armenian Christmas, and all proceeds will be donated to children of refugee families from Artsakh.

SKU: 734 Category:


To submit donations online securely and easily with any credit card, just click “add to cart” then “view cart” to enter info and checkout. St. Hagop uses state of the art secure checkout to protect your information!


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