Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM
Sermons Fr. Hovnan Demerjian St. Hagop Armenian Church

Love 3 Ways

As we were setting up for a wedding last week, the videographer asked me for the password to use our internet.  I gave him our password which ends in 333.  Why 333 he asked?  Wait till you see the sacrament, I said, then you’ll know.  In the Armenian Church, echoing the Holy Trinity, we say and do everything three times. This also follows from today’s reading where Jesus tells us something three times, in slightly different ways. In response to the perpetual judgements of the Pharisees, Jesus tells three related but distinct stories, providing three snapshots of the merciful heart of God.  This trilogy of stories of love in 3 ways provides us great hope and comfort as we continue along our Lenten journey of prayer and repentance.


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