Today’s reading describes the Wedding at Cana; the first of Jesus’ seven miracles in the Gospel of John, where Jesus turns water into wine. We correctly use the term miracle, but it is one of those words that has been clouded by many false associations. I prefer the old Armenian word, Nshank, which simply means signs. Jesus revealed many signs of the kingdom of God in his life on earth. The word sign takes the emphasis off the molecular details of what happened, and returns it to the grand importance of what it means to be human beings in a world infused with the hidden Spirit of a loving God. C.S. Lewis, as often, but it brilliantly: ‘Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.’ Jesus’ sign at Cana retells in a smaller way, the great story of Christmas, Asdvadz-a-haydnootyoon; the revelation of God to the world in Jesus, a totally new way.