Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM
Sermons Fr. Hovnan Demerjian St. Hagop Armenian Church

Rescue Me

We had guests recently with four boys aged eight to eighteen.  The youngest boy literally learned to swim, and enjoyed it, by being thrown in the deep end and then rescued by his brothers.  This way of learning doesn’t suit everyone, some people like myself much prefer to wade into things rather than be thrown into the deep end.  Yet whatever your personality, the fact is that life provides many occasions when we are thrown in over our heads, and find ourselves in need of help. It starts when we are young.  This summer in Yerevan my daughter Nora decided she could climb up the 15 ft play elephant in the park all by herself.  She did it!  But then a few minutes later tears welled up in our eyes; she couldn’t get down!  We probably all have stories to share of getting in over our heads and needing rescue as kids, but its much harder to come up with examples as adults. Why is that?  Do we still get in over our heads as adults but are embarrassed to admit it?  Do we simply learn to avoid risk and play it safe? Well today’s scripture readings suggest that getting in over our heads and needing rescue is not just for kids, it’s a life long thing.  And we should be much less fearful of being lost and overwhelmed, because we have a God who comes to the rescue, that is who God is.


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