Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Genocide Author Talk & Requiem April 24

Genocide Commemoration Requiem Service and Author Talk at St. Hagop Armenian Church

Explaining Genocide: The Fate of the Armenians
Dr. Ronald Grigor Suny

Tuesday, April 24, 2012 | 6:30 PM
St. Hagop Armenian Church
7020 90th Ave. N., Pinellas Park

Please join us for an Armenian candlelight “Hokehankist” service for the victims of the Armenian genocide and an author talk by author and professor, Dr. Ronald Grigor Suny.  Cosponsored with our partners at the FL Holocaust Museum.

One Comment

  1. Eileen M. Thornton, USF Libraries (Author)

    Dear St. Hagop administrators:

    Dr. Ronald Suny will also be speaking at the USF Tampa Library, the Holocaust & Genocide Studies Center on Monday April 23rd at 7PM. He will address deportations and massacres of various peoples in the Ottoman Empire, among them Armenians, Greeks, and Jews, and how the current Turkish state refuses to call these acts genocide.

    Would you be so kind to get the word out to your congregation? We think this will be a meaningful event for many in the Bay Area and would like to let as many people as possible know about it. The event is free and open to the public.

    You can find our news posting about the event here:

    Eileen M. Thornton
    Assistant Director, Communications
    University of South Florida Libraries

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