Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Armenian Heritage (Page 2)

The Armenian people and the Armenian Church have survived and thrived for more than 1,700 years. Our history tells our story of struggle and triumph and is much richer that the dark chapter of the Armenian Genocide that we are well known for. Our culture—our language, art, and faith—are precious to our community. Our many wonderful traditions continue to be handed down from parent to child. St. Hagop Armenian Church is a living embodiment of the rich Christian heritage of the Armenian people. Learn more about the people and events which make up this heritage below.

Dr. George & Yn. Anna Armenia Outreach 2022

Thanks to St. Hagop’s “Mission Armenia” initiative and the support of our community, the Traveling Doctors of Armenia, headed by Dr. Armine Barkhudaryan, was able to treat hundreds of patients in remote villages in Armenia and Artsakh.  The first medical trip took place in early June, in 4 villages of the vulnerable Shushi region of…

Benefit Concert Featuring Levon Ambartsumian May 15th

Acclaimed Musicians toPerform Benefit Concert Sunday May 15th On Sunday, May 15, 2022, St. Hagop Armenian Church is delighted to welcome world-famous musicians Levon and Shakhida Ambartsumian, who will perform in a very special benefit concert also featuring the accompaniment of Haig Yaghoobian and young prodigy Leo Chen. The concert will be held in the Shahnasarian Hall after Badarak…

Armenian Folk Ensemble Returns to St. Hagop Sun. Jan. 30th

All New Armenia Folk Ensemble Performance Next Sunday! Join us Sunday Jan. 30th after worship for an all new lineup of this unforgettable young music and dance troop from Armenia!  Catered luncheon, entry is free, donations encouraged. Event sponsorships available: $100, $250, $500 & $1000 levels. Names recognized in event program. Contact Alysia Ekizian by…

Armenian Folk Ensemble at St. Hagop Tue. Sept. 7th

Please join us in Shahnasarian Hall, Tue. Sept. 7th at 7:00PM, for an unforgettable evening of Armenian music and dance, welcoming these talented young Armenian artists to St. Hagop!  Wine and cheese reception to follow 1-hour program. Bring a friend to introduce them to Armenian culture. Admission is free, donations recommended. RSVP by September 1st…