Livestream Palm Sunday Worship & Message from St. Hagop Armenian Orthodox Church 04/05/20.
Livestream Palm Sunday Worship & Message from St. Hagop Armenian Orthodox Church 04/05/20.
Livestream Sunrise Arevagal Service & Pastoral Message Sunday March 29, 2020
Livestream Sunrise Arevagal Service & Pastoral Message Sunday March 22, 2020
Dear St. Hagop Parishioners & Friends, Due to the uncertain impact of COVID-19, and to ensure the safety of our parishioners and community, we are following guidance from our Diocese, the Center of Disease Control and local authorities. At the same time, we are doing our best to carry on the mission of our church. Please be…
Due to coronavirus travel restrictions, this event is postponed indefinitely. Please join us in the Shahnasarian Hall for this special presentation, Q&A and wine & cheese fellowship on Friday, April 24th at 7:00pm
5 Week Lenten Sermon Series Sunday March 1st to 29th Join us to explore the Nicene Creed (Havadamk), our age-old statement of faith that outlines the truths which shape a Christian life. After our shorter Lenten Badarak, and in place of a sermon, Fr. Hovnan & Dn. Albert will lead an interactive in-church study on what…
On January 24th & 26th we are looking forward to a very special visit by our Primate, His Grace, Bishop Daniel Findikyan. On Friday evening Jan. 24th at 6:30PM Bishop Daniel will take the opportunity to break bread with us, and lead an edifying discussion on our church and faith. On Sunday Jan. 26th, we…