Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Church Events (Page 18)

Armenia Trip-$4,000 Raised for Home!

Over the last months, St. Hagop raised $4,000 for our team to pass on to the family whose home they’ll help build in Vanadzor, Armenian on their June 15-30 trip.  Though our deadlines have passed, if you have interest in participating or supporting this or future building trips to Armenia, please contact trip leader Nicole…

Clean Up Day-Saturday, March 16th!

Please come out and join us on Saturday, March 16th 9AM-2PM for Church Property Service Day!  We are planning to give our outside property a good “Spring Cleaning”  by putting down mulch around the trees and bushes as well as some other projects. Please dress comfortably, and help us make our home beautiful for the upcoming Easter season!  Sign up with Mallory…