Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Church Events (Page 2)

Family & Friends CPR Course-Jan 19

Must RSVP by Jan 12th The St. Hagop events committee has scheduled a “Family and Friends CPR” (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) course, provided by the St. Anthony’s Hospital Faith Community Nursing on Sunday Jan 19th in our church hall. The session is intended to train all interested in learning how to save a life, specifically it includes:  Adult, child…

New Year’s Eve Dinner Dance

We invite you to join St. Hagop Armenian Church in the Shahnasarian Hall for a New Year’s Eve celebration!  Click here to make online ticket purchase . You may also pre-pay by check made out to St. Hagop, memo: ‘New Years’. Please contact Lusine or Yn. Anna at with questions. Where: Shahnasarian Hall 7020 90th Ave, Pinellas Park, FL 33782 When: Tuesday December…

Advent Candlelight Dinner-Wed. December 11th

Come all ye faithful! Join us for a candlelight dinner and program on Wednesday, Dec 11th from 6:30-8:30 pm. A catered dinner will be served in the Shahnasarian Hall, followed by the Advent Program in the Sanctuary. Our topic is “A Promise in the Darkness” with speakers reflecting on trusting the promise of God in times of trial. RSVP by Sunday,…

Santa Visits Sunday School on December 8th

On Sunday, December 8th after church, Santa will come to Shahnasarian Hall. The program will start during Sunday School (11am) and will include a special holiday children’s lunch. Parents, please bring a wrapped gift with your child’s name on it before the event to insure your child will receive a gift from Santa.  This event is sponsored by…