Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Church Events (Page 20)

St. Hagop Advent Dinner-Wed Dec 5 at 6:30PM

Join us at the St. Hagop Advent Candlelight Dinner and hear our parishioners share testimonies of Faith, Hope, Love and Ministry. The event is on Wednesday, December 5, 2018 from 6:30-8:30pm at The Shahnasarian Hall and is a Potluck style dinner. Please use this link or the sign-up board during Sunday fellowship to register your dish by December…

11th Anniversary Celebration & Social Oct. 13-Tides Beach Club

Join us to celebrate the 11th Anniversary of St. Hagop’s Consecration on 10/13/18 from 6:30-9:30 PM (sunset at 7PM) at The Tides Beach Club. Please bring a dish to share! We will also have wines, cheeses, music, dancing and much more! The Tides Beach Club is located at 16650 Gulf Blvd, North Redington Beach, FL.…

Much Thanks For Gifts and Care of Our Generous Parishioners!

St. Hagop operates on the generous in-kind contributions of our members. This Spring and Summer we express our gratitude to: David & Nancy for our driveway resurfacing, Leon and Sharon for our Lenten Altar and Gerezman, Dr. George & Debbie for our repairing our cement walkways, Jack and Andy for our festival sign, Joseph & Angele for our new…