Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Church Events (Page 39)

Join Our Growing Church School –Sundays 11 to 12:15

Give your kids the chance to make lifetime friends & grow as Armenian Christians! New School Year, Teachers & Curriculum-Come Grow With Us! Age Level: 5-8 yrs old  Meeting Time: 11AM-11:30AM, Enter Worship After Class Curriculum: New From Diocese: “Walking With God” Teacher/Coordinator: Ms. Jamie Anusbigian Age Level: 9-13 yrs. old Meeting Time: 11:45 AM- 12:15PM, Enter…

Raising Children of Faith in the Armenian Tradition

SATURDAY JULY 21, 2012 | 3-5 PM  AT ST. HAGOP ARMENIAN CHURCH Presentation and discussion by Elise Antreassian & Gilda Buchakjian (Kupelian), coordinators of Religious Education & Armenian Studies at the Diocese of the Armenian Church, NY, NY. Open to all, geared especially to parents and leaders of all St. Hagop organizations…Please Join Us!