Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Maintenance/Facilities Enhancement

Our church and church hall – along with outdoor pavilion, walkways and genocide monument, parking areas, and grounds – require year-round maintenance and care. The maintenance/facilities enhancement committee ensures our property is maintained well, and attractive to parishioners, neighbors, and members of our community who may choose to lease our facilities. Contact John Arsenault for more information.

Clean Up Day-Saturday, March 16th!

Please come out and join us on Saturday, March 16th 9AM-2PM for Church Property Service Day!  We are planning to give our outside property a good “Spring Cleaning”  by putting down mulch around the trees and bushes as well as some other projects. Please dress comfortably, and help us make our home beautiful for the upcoming Easter season!  Sign up with Mallory…

Much Thanks For Gifts and Care of Our Generous Parishioners!

St. Hagop operates on the generous in-kind contributions of our members. This Spring and Summer we express our gratitude to: David & Nancy for our driveway resurfacing, Leon and Sharon for our Lenten Altar and Gerezman, Dr. George & Debbie for our repairing our cement walkways, Jack and Andy for our festival sign, Joseph & Angele for our new…

Seeking Your Help—Finishing Touches to Our Hall

Our chandeliers are arriving today! We thank the Shahnasarian family, John & Susan Arsenault and Mary Haydostian for sponsoring our woodwork, lighting and window treatment enhancements respectively. The Hall Design Committee is planning for other improvements such as; sconces, seat covers, stage curtain, etc. If you are interested in giving to this effort, please contact…

Finishing Touches to Our Hall—Thanks to the Arsenaults & Shahnasarians

This week, we will begin the first phase of interior design improvements to add elegance & pizzazz to our church hall. The upgrades will help us attract rentals in a competitive market for banquets, conferences and events. The first phase of enhancements adds finish trim woodwork such as crown molding, wall pedestals and framing. We thank the Shahnasarian…

Join Our 1st Adopt A Mile Cleanup-Sun Dec 20 From 1-3PM!

St. Hagop has officially adopted the mile of Belcher road north and south of our church!  It is our commitment to clean up four times a year with county provided equipment.  The county will in turn install a sign acknowledging our church.  Please join our first cleanup on Sunday December 20th after Divine Liturgy from…