Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Outreach Ministry (Page 2)

St. Hagop has served a variety of humanitarian causes – non-secular and secular -outside its parish. These efforts have included providing funds for Syrian Christian relief, Armenian orphans, and the Fund for Armenian Relief. The parish has also been active in hands-on efforts inclusive of preparing and serving food to indigent people in Pinellas County, and participating in roadside cleanup projects. Elderly, disabled, and otherwise disenfranchised people in need are of special interest to this ministry. Contact Grace Austin.

Artsakh Relocation Project Partnership

In the midst of a global pandemic, our brothers and sisters in Artsakh faced war, death, and relocation. Now, thousands of Artsakh refugees are in need of food, toiletries, blankets, clothing, and more. Traditional nonprofits may not know where all the Artsakh refugee families are, and families might not know that there are services offered…

Armenia Trip-$4,000 Raised for Home!

Over the last months, St. Hagop raised $4,000 for our team to pass on to the family whose home they’ll help build in Vanadzor, Armenian on their June 15-30 trip.  Though our deadlines have passed, if you have interest in participating or supporting this or future building trips to Armenia, please contact trip leader Nicole…