Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM


Father’s Day Armenian BBQ Fellowship-June 19

Lena Koutchonian and Dr. Lucine Melikian Vartazarian are hosting a special Armenian style BBQ after worship on Sunday June 19th in celebration of our fathers.  Dinner: chicken & lula kebab, pilaf, cheese boureg & salad. Dessert: paklava, namura & watermelon. Drinks: Armenian beer & coffee.  Join us in celebrating our fathers and the men of St Hagop! Donations welcome.

Armenian Mardi Gras-Sat. Feb. 25, 2017

ARMENIAN MARDI GRAS “POON PAREGENTAN” SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2017 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. – Shahnasarian Hall Armenian Food-Music-Dancing, Armenian Collectibles, Children’s Activities, Tavloo, Armenian Coffee, Vendors, Church Tours, Raffle Prizes & more To volunteer or for more information, contact Louise Yardumian at (727-463-1688) or Kelli in the church office.

Mother’s Day Fellowship-Honoring Our Mothers

The ACYOA Seniors invite you to join them for a Mother‘s Day Coffee Hour in the Shahnasarian Hall immediately following Badarak this Sunday, May 8th. There will be no charge for the food which includes pancakes, sausage, fruit and mimosas. Donations are strongly encouraged and will be used to benefit a soccer in Karabagh project which PC member and altar…