Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Worship Lab

The St. Hagop Armenian Church worship lab contains interactive modules to help parishioners become more familiar with worship of God in the Armenian Church. Available any time, any place, our goal is for the entire St. Hagop Armenian Church family to be formed by God in worship–both in His home, and in ours!

Worship Lab Hymn: Hamenaynee

1) Meaning & Pronunciation In all things blessed are you, O Lord. We bless you, we praise you; We give thanks to you; We pray to you, O Lord our God. 2) Listening/Singing 3) Worshiping Armenian church worship is very sacred and often solemn, fitting the gravity of our repentance and salvation and the glory…

Worship Lab Hymn: Meeayn Soorp

1) Meaning & Pronunciation The one holy, the one Lord, Jesus Christ, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. 2) Listening/Singing 3) Worshiping Although it is our joy and duty to give praise to God on Sunday, God is so great, so Holy that our words always fall short. This hymn reaffirms the mystery…

Worship Lab Hymn: Kohanamk

1) Meaning & Pronunciation We give thanks to you, Lord, who have fed us at your table of immortal life; distributing your Body and your Blood for the salvation of the world and for life to our souls. 2) Listening/Singing 3) Worshiping The Armenian calendar does not have a day of Thanksgiving as in America,…

Worship Lab Hymn: Yegheetsee

1) Meaning & Pronunciation For all good gifts and all perfect bounties come down from above, from you, the Father of light; and to you is befitting glory, dominion and honor, now and always and unto the ages of ages. Amen. 2) Listening/Singing 3) Worshiping Our fifth hymn “Yegheestsee” is the last hymn sung by…

Worship Lab Hymn: Asdvadz Mer

1) Meaning & Pronunciation Read the English translation of the hymn below and discuss the meaning with your teacher/parent Read the Armenian words of the hymn below. Practice pronunciation with your teacher/parent Our God and our Lord has appeared to us. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. 2) Listening/Singing Sing…

Worship Lab Hymn: Der Voghormya

1) Meaning & Pronunciation Read the English translation of the hymn below and discuss the meaning with your teacher/parent Read the Armenian words of the hymn below. Practice pronunciation with your teacher/parent Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. 2) Listening/Singing Sing along with your teacher or at home, as…