Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Worship Ministries (Page 2)

There are many opportunities for lay and ordained men and women alike to be active participants in the worship life of St. Hagop Armenian Church. Our altar servers and choir members lead the church in worship on Sundays and in sacraments throughout the year. Our lectors read God’s word to the people on Sundays. Our altar guild prepares the altar for services and decorates the church with appropriate flower arrangements to glorify God. All are part of our worship ministry, and all are welcome to participate as fits their interest and ability. Contact Louise Yardumian,with questions and interest.

Sun. Aug. 13th-Fr. Hovnan 10th Anniversary Celebration-Abp. Barsamian Presiding

On behalf of His Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate and the Parish Council of St. Hagop Armenian Church, we request your participation at Divine Liturgy celebrating our pastor, REV. FR. HOVNAN DEMERJIAN, in his Tenth Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood. Sunday, August 13, 2017, 10:30 A.M. Asdvadzadzin and Blessing of Grapes A Delicious Luncheon will follow…

“How the Badarak Works: Functions, Agents and Roles”-Fr. Findikyan Presentation Fri. Sept 30

Few would disagree that the Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Church is beautiful and mystical. Yet for many the Badarak is little more than an archaic pageant, and doesn’t seem to accomplish anything. Yet by carefully reading selected prayers, litanies and hymns of the Divine Liturgy, Fr. Daniel will show how the choir and people in the pews fit into…

Thanks to St. Hagop & Dunedin Choir for Special Genocide 100th Commemoration Performance

Much thanks for the beautiful performance by our choirs to a standing room only church.  Special thanks to our Choir Director Louise Yardumian. Contact Louise Yardumian if you would like to sing with our wonderful group!  St. Hagop Armenian Church Choir-Led by Louise M. (Sarkisian) Yardumian Singers: Art Ekizian Mary Haydostian Zvart Jambazian Darwin Jamgochian David…

Primate Ordains Acolytes & Sub-Deacons At St. Hagop Church Of St. Petersburg, FL

On Sunday, January 10, Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), visited St. Hagop Armenian Church of St. Petersburg, Fla., where he celebrated the Divine Liturgy and ordained acolytes and sub-deacons. Following services, the community gathered for a picnic in the church’s outdoor pavilion, for the culmination of…