Beethoven’s 250th Concert
On Sunday, October 17th, St. Hagop will present a Benefit Concert in celebration of Beethoven’s 250th Birthday, featuring accomplished recital pianist Haig Yaghoobian. The program will feature several of Beethoven’s Kleinigkeitin (“little things”), his dynamic Sonata Pathetique (Op. 13, No. 8), and his Busslied (Song of Repentance), based on a sacred poem by Christian Gellert. And a very special guest will be joining us: sensational 8-year old Leo Chen, will play a Bagatelle, and will play violin on a Rondo, with Haig accompanying! The concert will start after Badarak at 1pm in Shahnasarian Hall, and will be followed by a champagne reception. Admission is $10 at the door.
When: Sunday, October 17, 2021, 1:00-2:30 pm
Where: Shahnasarian Hall, 7020 90th Ave, Pinellas Park, FL 33782
Admission: $10 donation
More information: St. Hagop Ministries & Haig Yaghoobian