Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Planned Giving (Page 2)

In addition to one-time and recurring pledge donations, many faithful of St. Hagop, including those recognized below, have contributed to the future of our church by making a legacy gift in their wills. Legacy gifts through bequests and other gift provisions are vitally important to building for the future of St. Hagop Armenian Church. Legacy gifts are either outright gifts (i.e. gifts of appreciated securities, real property, personal property, etc.) or deferred gifts (i.e. bequests, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts). For more information on including St. Hagop in your planned giving, or to notify the church of a bequest you have already planned, please contact committee chair Michael Shahnasarian or John K. Shamsey, 941-586-8415.

Anonymous Couple

An Anonymous Couple set up a charitable remainder trust naming St. Hagop as 1 of 3 beneficiaries upon their deaths.  The couple’s estate lawyer advised them of the advantages of distributing the money while they are living, rather than through their wills.  In the summer of 2010, the couple presented St. Hagop with a check…