Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Holy Translators-Daily Wisdom 21

vo2Therefore, he (Jesus) taught all the people a simple remedy that is useful for everyone and cures all pains; that is, to pray…Here you have a medicine that is easy to find, simple, applicable to everything, and always readily available; to which there is no impediment and no difficulty.  For concerning fasting, you may make the excuse, “I am weak,” and so on; as for alms you may say, “I am poor, what shall I give?” As for mortification, suffering, faith, and other such more strictly virtuous deeds you may rationalize, “They are difficult, I cannot bear it.” But concerning prayer you have no excuse at all.  For in whatever age, in whatever situation, and in whatever time and place one may be, whether rich old or young, rich or poor, healthy or sick, one may pray if he wishes.”—Catholicos Simeon Yerevantsi, 18th Century


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