1) Meaning & Pronunciation
- Read the English translation of the hymn below and discuss the meaning with your teacher/parent
- Read the Armenian words of the hymn below. Practice pronunciation with your teacher/parent
We give thanks to you, Lord, who have fed us at your table of immortal life; distributing your Body and your Blood for the salvation of the world and for life to our souls.

2) Listening/Singing
- Sing along with your teacher or at home, as you watch the words scroll before you
3) Worshiping
The Armenian calendar does not have a day of Thanksgiving as in America, but maybe that’s because every Sunday is ‘Thanksgiving Day’ in the Armenian Church. Musical proof of this is this hymn “Kohanamk,” which translates “We Give Thanks.” At this point in worship, we have just received the precious gift of Jesus’ body and blood, his very life which unites and strengthens his people. It is no coincidence that the original word for communion in Greek ‘Eucharist” also means thanksgiving. For their is no greater gift in the world than God the Father’s gift of his only begotten Son for the salvation of the world. As you probably know, there are different settings for the music of Divine Liturgy. Click below to hear the beautiful Gomidas version of “Kohanamk” sung by Hover Chamber Choir. Which do you like better, the Gomidas version or the regular Yekmalian version?
4) Practice Games
- Practice the Armenian vocabulary using the quizlet flashcards below.
- Now choose other review games and tests by scrolling “Choose a Study Mode” on the bottom right.