1) Meaning & Pronunciation
- Read the English translation of the hymn below and discuss the meaning with your teacher/parent
- Read the Armenian words of the hymn below. Practice pronunciation with your teacher/parent
The one holy, the one Lord, Jesus Christ, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

2) Listening/Singing
- Sing along with your teacher or at home, as you watch the words scroll before you
3) Worshiping
Although it is our joy and duty to give praise to God on Sunday, God is so great, so Holy that our words always fall short. This hymn reaffirms the mystery of God beyond all words. It has few words, since words fall short of God’s glory, but its few words convey the profound mystery of our one God who is at once three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One blessing of worshipping in an ancient language is that our Badarak is pretty much exactly the same whether you step into an Armenian church in Sevan, San Francisco or Singapore. The video below shows ‘Meeyan Soorp’ sung in the church of St. John the Evangelist Church in Artashat, Armenia.
4) Practice Games
- Practice the Armenian vocabulary using the quizlet flashcards below.
- Now choose other review games and tests by scrolling “Choose a Study Mode” on the bottom right.