Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Membership/Armenia Charity Drive for 18-24 Yr. Olds

Button with the word "Join us "on itIn order to encourage 18-24 yr. olds to become active members of our church, and supporters of Armenia, our parish council has reduced membership cost to just $50 per member this year-and half the $ goes to a youth charity in Armenia!

Our PC action follows a decision of the 2012 & 2013 Diocesan assemblies to encourage young adult membership by reducing the amount paid to the Diocese for youth dues.

Our goal is for every 18-24 year old in our community to make membership their first offering of Christian stewardship; for St. Hagop, for Armenia and for our future!

Just click on “Join Us” pic to pay with a credit card now, or send check in to church by end of the year…


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