Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Dr. George & Yn. Anna Armenia Outreach 2022

Thanks to St. Hagop’s “Mission Armenia” initiative and the support of our community, the Traveling Doctors of Armenia, headed by Dr. Armine Barkhudaryan, was able to treat hundreds of patients in remote villages in Armenia and Artsakh.  The first medical trip took place in early June, in 4 villages of the vulnerable Shushi region of Artsakh.  Then joined by our own Dr.  Kamajian, they ventured into several other areas throughout Artsakh. During this time Dr. George treated patients and distributed medical supplies.  Yn. Anna did mission work separate from St. Hagop for the ‘Zartonk’ initiative, but also assisted in Dr. George’s placement and gave out stuffed animals at the pediatric cancer center in Yerevan, kindly donated by Dr. Bob Shamsey. Thanks to Dr. George & Yn. Anna for donating their travel and time!

Enjoy pictures below from the trip:


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