Bobby was born and raised in Florida and grew up in the St. Hagop community. As a little boy he attended Sunday school and served on the altar, encouraged by the priests who visited and served St. Hagop. When Fr. Hovnan became St. Hagop parish priest, Bobby helped found the St. Hagop chapter and served as ACYOA treasurer for multiple terms and grew in his service of the church. Bobby takes care of many behind the scenes logistics that help make for beautiful worship experience at St. Hagop-from changing candles to mentoring young altar servers. His continued passion to serve the church led to his ordination to the rank of sub deacon in January 2020 by the hands of His Grace Bishop Daniel Findikyan. He also serves the church by helping with Shahnasarian Hall rentals and coordinating rental logistics. He attended culinary school after high school and earned his degree. For 14 years he worked with his father as a cook and assistant bar manager, and upon his father’s retirmement, has now started work in carpentry. He continues to serve St. Hagop on the altar every Sunday.