Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM


God Enters HisStory

Last week we saw that the Creed gives us only 18 words to describe God the Father last week, because though words like Father and Creator point to His nature, God is beyond all words. We have a different problem when we try to describe Jesus the Son in our Creed.  Words aren’t enough to…

Love Beyond Words

In the second session of our Lenten Sermon series on the Nicene Creed, we talk about God the Father, a God so great that we must choose our words very, very carefully!

Why We Need the Nicene Creed

Though fallen out of use and focus for various reasons, the Nicene Creed is a crucial roadmap that points us in the direction of a deeper relationship with God. It asks and points us to answers of the greatest question for any Christian believer, Jesus’ question to disciples of all ages, ‘who do you say…

My Double Life

Some of the most compelling novels and films ever made are about characters who live double lives. A high school chemistry teacher who is actually a drug kingpin or a sweet suburban couple who are actually spies for the KGB.  The reason these stories are so compelling is because, though less dramatic, we all tend…

Learning to Fly

That’s the promise highlighted in today’s reading and Holy Scriptures as a whole. Scripture is nothing less than thousands of years of God’s promises, the Old Promise and the New Promise that God, if we only ask, will right the wrongs of evil in this world and gives us abundant life. Paul says this in…

Politicked Part II

Yes, Jesus’ kingdom is not of this earth, but at the same time, God made this all for us, and Jesus has left us in charge until his return.  Several times on Sundays and hopefully every day, we pray as Jesus taught us; ‘Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is…


What both sides must realize is that if you weaken healthy religion, it just manifests as unhealthy religion. When people stop believing in anything, they believe in everything. People worship minority identities and rights, canceling and exiling those who blaspheme again their gods.  People worship a false savior who alone can save us from the…