Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Episode (Page 22)

Sermon: Blue Sunday

Today is the 3rd Sunday after Easter. The 1st Sunday after Easter is called green Sunday and the 2nd Sunday, last Sunday, is called Red Sunday.  This 3rd Sunday after Easter has no assigned color, but if I did I would call it ‘Blue Sunday.’ ‘Blue Sunday’ because right about now, after the climax of…

Sermon: Trash to Triumph

Our church does indeed believe in recycling and has been earth friendly for over seventeen hundred years.  But we also believe in recycling on a much deeper level, which goes to the heart of what it means to be Armenian Orthodox Christians.  You see we don’t just recycle things, we repurpose them. These vestments I…

Sermon: Fear Not, Fear God!

‘The shoe must never tell the foot how big it should grow.’  This is a good bit of wisdom about church growth from guru Rick Warren.  It seems obvious, but often we leaders of church don’t act like it’s true. At this week’s parish council meeting we spoke a lot about how to keep growing…

Sermon: Word World

We love words in my family. We play scrabble. We keep buying book case after book case and they keep filling up.  Nora’s is catching on too, just this morning she asked to watch Word World, an animated show where animals and things look like the letters of their name. “Dog” has a ‘D’ for…

Sermon: Are you an Optimist or a Pessimist?

Am I asking too much of these six words ‘Christ is Risen from the Dead,’ to make so much out of it?  Well the famous missionary priest of the Church of Scotland Bishop Newbigin, didn’t think so. One day a reporter following this great man’s struggles and triumphs in bringing the Gospel to South India…