Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

New Year’s Tickets 2018


Due to low ticket sales, we have been forced to cancel this year’s New Year’s Dance!
The committee will be in contact with those who have already purchased tickets. Please contact Jack Dikranian or other Parish Council members if you would support a St. Hagop New Year event next year!

SKU: 410 Category:


To purchase tickets, 1) click “choose an option” to select adult or child ticket 2) Enter desired number and click “add to cart” 3) click “view cart” to check out. *Note: if you want both adult & child tickets repeat steps 1-2 for each ticket type, then “view cart” to check out.

You may also of course submit a check, memo: “New Year’s Dance” to our postal address in footer below.


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