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Weekly Sermon (Page 13)

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Sunday of Advent Reflection

The word advent, or coming, implies a future tense, when Jesus Christ returns in power andglory to render a final judgement and an ending of all things. In the Christian sense, however,the “end” is neither a point in time nor the conclusion of a historical timeline. This is explainedto us in Revelation. The End is…

Sunday of the Steward

We must remember these words and think of them especially now, through Lent. But the most important words in the parable come at the very beginning, when the Master asks the Steward: “What is this I hear about you? Give me an account of your stewardship!” (Lk 16:2). This is the point Jesus was making…

Sermons Fr. Hovnan Demerjian St. Hagop Armenian Church

The Things They Carried

Great Lent in our tradition has always been a reminder that the battle for good, truth and love rages on in a world which opposes all these things.  The first Lent was a battle; Jesus’ 40-day fight against the evil one before his world altering ministry for good.  Every Lent also begins with a battle…

Sermons Fr. Hovnan Demerjian St. Hagop Armenian Church


We always talk about being enlightened in our faith, that the more we know about God, our faith and our church, the closer we are to Him.  That works for a little while, but Jesus most often pushes us in the exact opposite direction.  He tended to endarken people to faith much more than enlighten…