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Weekly Sermon (Page 6)

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Sermons Fr. Hovnan Demerjian St. Hagop Armenian Church

Trophy Life

To get to the lost meaning of palms, you might go to your trophy case if you have one, or imagine one if you don’t. Think of these gold-painted golfers, or soccer balls or gymnasts.  Picture the Lombardi trophy (a golden football) or the Stanley Cup (a silver wedding cake?).  2000 years from now people…

Sermons Fr. Hovnan Demerjian St. Hagop Armenian Church

Lent is for Losers

The obvious deception here is that winning can’t be everything, by definition it is at most half of everything.  The other half is losing, which our society tends to deny and avoids.  But that’s not healthy, whole or rational. We will face as many losses in our life as wins; and the older we get…

Sermons Fr. Hovnan Demerjian St. Hagop Armenian Church

Giving Up Original Sin for Lent

The problem with ‘original sin’ is that it starts the greatest story ever told in the middle, not the beginning.  We did fall and allowed evil into the world, true, but that is chapter three of Genesis. Chapter one is when almighty God made everything before us, galaxies, earth, oceans, whales, quarks and leptons and…

Sermons Fr. Hovnan Demerjian St. Hagop Armenian Church

Giving Up Lent for Lent

So if you want true Lent summed up in 250 characters or less, don’t go to twitter, go the beautiful and inspiring words of the Prophet Joel and go to them often. ‘Even now, says the lord, return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning; rend your hearts, not your…

Sermons Fr. Hovnan Demerjian St. Hagop Armenian Church

Food Security

In his book entitled God’s Psychiatry, Charles Allen tells this story: As World War II was drawing to a close, the Allied armies gathered up many hungry orphans. They were placed rehabilitation centers where they were well-fed.  But despite excellent care, they slept poorly-they were anxious and afraid. At some point a psychologist came up…