Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM
Sermons Fr. Hovnan Demerjian St. Hagop Armenian Church

Acting Like You Own the Place

‘They act like they own the place.’ If you have been a boss or a landlord, you know this can be a good or a bad thing.  The good part of a worker or tenant acting like they own the place is that they feel buy in.  Apparently at Facebook/Meta ‘This is now YOUR company,’ is written on all their onboarding materials and on a big sign at their training center.  Bosses want people who work for them to treat the company like their own with accountability and care.  But there is also a shadow side to those acting like they own the place, if it comes from a sense of arrogance and entitlement.  These types are always defending their turf, jealous of others, like rules for others and not themselves.


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