Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM
Sermons Fr. Hovnan Demerjian St. Hagop Armenian Church

Fences & Wells

Fences and wells. That’s the analogy that will govern this sermon and which reveals a fundamental truth about our spiritual maturity and openness to God’s blessing at church, at work and at home.  Here is how the fences and wells analogy goes. If you are a farmer with a ranch, you can build fences to keep your flock and crops safe inside, and all threats safely outside.  Alternatively, rather than just building fences, you can also dig more wells on your farm.  This will also keep your crops healthy and your flock safe because they want to stay near; they are filled and fulfilled. This analogy has much to say about different aspects of our lives and invite you to meditate on this after you go home. But today I want to apply the metaphor to our Armenian Church tradition.


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